Show Dogs

Angel A Champion girl & Junior Handler Expert,

Australian Champion
2015 - Best Brace paired with Quest
2015 - 1 Best Intermediate in Group
2015 - 1 Best Junior in Group
2014 - 1 Best Puppy in Show
2014 - 2 Best Junior in Group
2014 - 3 Best Puppy in Group

Athena A Champion girl, a Sydney Royal winner & Specialty class in show winner,

Australian Champion
2018 - Best Intermediate in Show - Golden Retriever Club of NSW Championship show
2018 - 4 Best Junior in Group
2017 - No 1 Golden Retriever Nationally, DOL Rising Star pointscore
2017 - 2 Best Junior in Show
2017 - 8 Best Junior in Group
2017 - 2 Best Puppy in Show
2017 - Best Minor Puppy in Show - Golden Retriever National
2017 - 1 Puppy Sweepstakes win
2017 - 4 Best Puppy in Group
2017 - 3 Best Minor Puppy in Group
2017 - 1 Best Baby Puppy in Group

Beau Our new baby boy,

2024 - 1 Best Baby Puppy in Show
2024 - 4 Best Baby Puppy in Group wins
2024 - 2 First places in Baby Puppy Sweepstakes

Bliss A Champion girl, Sydney Royal winner, a Specialty CC & multi class in show winner,

Australian Champion & Neuter Champion
2023 - 3rd place Neuter bitch class at 12th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2023 - 2 Specialty Best Neuter in Show wins
2023 - 1 Best Neuter in Show win
2023 - 2 Runner up to Best Neuter in Show
2023 - 6 Best Neuter in Group wins
2023 - 5 Runner up to Best Neuter in group win
2021 - 1 Best Open in Group
2021 - Advance Sydney Royal - 1st Australian Bred bitch class
2020 - 1 Runner Up To Best in Group
2020 - 1 Best Open in Group
2019 - Best Bred by Exhibitor in Show, Golden Retriever Club NSW Specialty Championship show
2019 - Opposite Bred by Exhibitor in Show, Golden Retriever Club NSW Specialty Championship show
2019 - Best Brace with daughter Tiara
2018 - 3rd place Intermediate Bitch class, Advance Sydney Royal dog show
2017 - Challenge Bitch - GRC NSW Specialty Championship show
2017 - 2 Best Junior in Show - GRC NSW Specialty Championship show
2017 - 1 Best Australian Bred in Group
2017 - 1 Best Junior in Group
2017 - 2 Best Puppy in Group
2016 - 1 Best Minor Puppy in Group
2016 - 1 Best Baby Puppy in Show win
2016 - 3 Best Baby Puppy in Group wins
2016 - 2 Baby Puppy Sweepstakes win

Blossom A multi specialty class in show winner,

2024 - 1 Best Junior in Group win
2024 - 2 Specialty Best Puppy in Show wins
2024 - 4 Best Puppy in Group awards
2024 - 1 Puppy Sweepstakes place
2023 - Best Baby Puppy in Show at the 12th Golden Retriever National
2023 - 1st Baby Puppy Sweepstakes at the 12th Golden Retriever National
2023 - 1 Best Baby Puppy in Show win
2023 - 1 Best Baby Puppy in Group win
2023 - 2 1st place wins Baby Puppy Sweepstakes
2023 - 2 places Baby Puppy Sweepstakes

Cleo A Grand Champion girl, a Sydney Royal winner, a Specialty CC & multi class in show winner,

Australian Grand Champion
2023 - 5th place Veteran bitch class at 12th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2023 2nd place Veteran bitch class - Golden Retriever Club of NSW Specialty Show
2023 4th place Veteran bitch class - Golden Retriever Club of NSW Specialty Show
2022 - 3rd place Veteran bitch class at 11th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2022 - Sydney Royal - 1st place Australian Bred bitch class
2021 - Sydney Royal - Bitch Challenge & Runner up to Best of Breed
2019 - 1 Runner up to Best in Group
2019 - 1 Best Australian Bred in Group
2019 - Advance Sydney Royal, 1st place Aust. Bred Bitch Class
2018 - Best Bred by Exhibitor in Show - Golden Retriever Club of NSW Championship show
2018 - Reserve Challenge Bitch - Golden Retriever Club of NSW Championship show
2018 - 1 Best Australian Bred in Show
2018 - 2 Best Australian Bred in Group
2017 - Best Australian Bred in Show - GRC NSW Specialty Championship show
2017 - 2 Runner up to Best in Group
2017 - 4th Place Australian Bred bitch - Golden Retriever National
2017 - 3 Best Australian Bred in Group
2016 - 2 Runner up to Best in Group
2016 - Challenge Bitch winner - GRC Specialty Show
2016 - Opposite Intermediate in Show - GRC Specialty Show
2016 - 1 Best Intermediate in Show
2016 - 4 Best Intermediate in Group
2015 - 1 Best Intermediate in Show
2015 - 1 Best Intermediate in Group
2015 - 1 Best Junior in Show
2015 - 5 Best Junior in Group
2015 - 2nd place Junior bitch class - Sydney Royal Show

Flame Our new baby girl,

Gamble A champion boy, a multi best in group winner & a specialty CC winner,

Australian Champion
2024 - 1 Specialty Dog Challenge win
2024 - 1 Specialty Intermediate in Show win
2024 - 1 Best In Group win
2024 - 1 Runner up to Best in Group
2024 - 1 Best Intermediate in Group
2023 - 1 Best In Group win
2023 - 2 Best Intermediate in Group wins
2023 - 9 Best Junior in Group wins
2023 - 4th place Junior Dog class at 12th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2023 - 1 Best Puppy in Group win
2022 - Opposite Baby Puppy in Show at 11th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2022 - 1 Best Minor Puppy in Group win
2022 - 1st place Baby Puppy Dog class at 11th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2022 - 1st place Baby Puppy Sweepstakes at 11th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2022 - 1 Second place in Puppy Sweepstakes
2022 - 2 Third places in Puppy Sweepstakes
2022 - 1 Best Baby Puppy in Group win
2022 - 2 Second places in Baby Puppy Sweepstakes

Juliette A Champion Girl,

Australian Champion
2020 - Best Minor Puppy in Group
2020 - 2 Third places in Baby Puppy Sweepstakes

Plenty A champion girl,

Australian Champion
2023 - 1 Best Junior in Group win
2022 - 1 Best Minor Puppy in Show win
2022 - 1 Best Minor Puppy in Group win
2022 - 3rd place Baby Puppy Sweepstakes
2022 - 2nd place Baby Puppy Bitch class at 11th National Golden Retriever Championship show

Rufio A Champion boy, Sydney Royal winner, multi class in show winner & specialty class in show winner,

Australian Champion
2024 - 2 Specialty Opposite Aust Bred in Show wins
2023 - Specialty Best Intermediate in Show win
2023 - 2nd place Bred by Exhibitor Dog class at 12th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2023 - 3 Best Intermediate in Group wins
2022 - 1 Best in Group win
2022 - 2 Runner up to Best in Group wins
2022 - 1 Best Junior in Show win
2022 - 14 Best Junior in Group wins
2022 - 2 Best Puppy in Show wins
2022 - 2 Best Puppy in Group win
2022 - 1 Best Minor Puppy in Show
2022 - Sydney Royal - Best Puppy in Breed
2022 - 3 Best Minor Puppy in Group wins
2021 - 4 Best Baby Puppy In Groups

The Pan A Supreme Champion boy, a Sydney Royal winner & a specialty class in show winner,

Australian Supreme Champion
2024 - 1 Specialty Bred by Exhibitor class in show win
2023 - 2 Specialty Opposite Bred by Exhibitor in show wins
2023 - 4th place Open Dog class at 12th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2022 - 1 Runner up to Best in Group win
2022 - 1 Best Open in Group
2022 - 3rd place Bred by Exhibitor dog class at 11th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2021 - 2 Runner up to Best in Show wins!!
2021 - 4 Best in Group awards
2021 - 4 Runner up to Best in Group awards
2021 - 4 Best Australian Bred in Show awards
2021 - 1 Best Open in Group
2021 - 7 Best Australian Bred in Group win
2021 - Advance Sydney Royal - 2nd Open dog class
2020 - 2 Best Australian Bred in Group wins
2019 - 4 Best in Group wins
2019 - 2 Runner up to Best in Group wins
2019 - 3 Best Open in Group wins
2019 - Advance Sydney Royal - 2nd place Open Dog Class
2019 - 14 Best Australian Bred in Group wins
2019 - 1 Best Intermediate in Group
2018 - 1 Runner up to Best in Group
2018 - 2 Best Intermediate in Show
2018 - Sire & Progency winner & Best Head winner
2018 - 6 Best Intermediate in Group
2018 - 1st place Intermediate Dog class, Advance Sydney Royal dog show
2017 - 3 Best In Group
2017 - 1 Runner up to Best in Group
2017 - Best Intermediate in Show
2017 - 5 Best Intermediate in Group
2017 - 1 Best Junior in Show
2017 - 4 Best Junior in Group
2017 - 3 Best Puppy in Group
2017 - 1 Best Puppy in Puppy Sweepstakes
2016 - 1 Best Minor Puppy in Show
2016 - 1 Best Minor Puppy in Group
2016 - 2 Puppy Sweepstakes win
2016 - 1 Best Baby Puppy in Show - GRC Specialty Show
3 Best Baby Puppy in Group wins
2 Baby Puppy in Sweepstakes wins
2 Baby Puppy in Sweepstakes places
2016 - 2 Best Puppy in Group wins

Tiara A Champion girl & Sydney Royal winner,

Australian Champion
2024 - 1 Best Open in Group win
2022 - 3rd place Australian Bred bitch class at 11th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2019 - 1 Best Puppy in Show win
2019 - 2 Best Puppy in Group wins
2019 - Best Brace with mother Bliss
2019 - 5 Best Minor Puppy in Group wins
2019 - 3 Best Baby Puppy in Group wins
2019 - 1st Baby Puppy Sweepstakes
2019 - 3 places, Puppy Sweepstakes
2019 - Advance Sydney Royal - 1st place Baby Puppy Bitch Class

Vega A multi class in group winner,

2023 - 1 Best Junior in Group win
2023 - 1 Best Puppy in group win
2023 - 4th place Puppy Dog class at 12th National Golden Retriever Championship show
2023 - 2 places in Puppy Sweepstakes
2023 - 3 Best Minor Puppy in Group wins
2023 - 2 Best Baby Puppy in Group wins

Yum Yum A Champion girl & Sydney Royal winner,

Australian Champion
2022 - Sydney Royal - 1st place Junior bitch class
2021 - 4 Best Junior in Groups wins
2021 - 4 Best Minor Puppy in Groups wins
2021 - 2nd place Baby Puppy Sweepstakes

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