Welcome to the BlueBreeze puppy page. I am sure you will have a few questions and I hope I answer most of them with the information on this page, including the two pdf documents at the bottom.
Our next litter is planned for late 2024, given Mother Nature is kind to us. If you would like to express interest in those puppies please email me and tell us a bit about the life you would be offering one of my babies.
I do recommend you contact the Puppy Information Officer at the Golden Retriever Club in your state of residence and read their buying a puppy page. For NSW that is: https://grcnsw.org.au/buying-a-puppy/
It may be of interest for you to know that there are regularly over 5,000 hits on Google, every single month in Australia, for “Golden Retriever puppies for sale.” This means you are wanting to buy a puppy from a breed that is highly regarded and sometimes difficult to get.
If you are wanting to buy a main register dog or bitch and intend to become a registered dog breeder, you will need to comply with the NSW Department of Primary Industries Breeding-dogs-and-cats-code-of-practice.pdf please feel free to down load this document so you can get started on complying with the code. If you’re located in another state, you will need to check your State Government’s code of practice.
Our aim at BlueBreeze is to breed sound, healthy, happy puppies, that meet the Golden Retriever Breed Standard in every way. Starting with the parents, who are health checked prior to breeding. Click here to download the Standard: Golden Retriever Extended Breed Standard
When we do have puppies we will sell puppies to interstate buyers, but we will not put puppies on flights during the high heat of the Australian summer and we DO NOT sell our puppies to overseas buyers.
Recommended reading: Jan Fennell “The Puppy Listener” ISBN 978-0-00-741378-2 and Jan Fennell “The Dog Listener” ISBN 0-06-008946-6. Both books are excellent in their instructions on how to train and manage a dog.
We would appreciate that when you enquire about our puppies, you do so via phone or email. We will not respond to text messages.
When we do have puppies available we use the two processes below to look after our mothers & their babies and to connect with the general public in the buying process.